
Here are some ugly images of scenes build with Truevision. I'm not an artist, that's why they are not as nice as you would expect from POV-Ray. Anyway I made this to demonstrate what can be done with Truevision (and also for debuging purpose), waiting for real artists' contributions (please feel free to send your artwork!).

Gnome Foot

Truevision scene file (by Vincent Le Prince)

I can now say it: Truevision is really a GNOME modeler...

Gnome foot

Chess 4

Truevision scene file (by Vincent Le Prince)

Yet another chess set!

Chess 4


Truevision scene file (by Vincent Le Prince)

Another clasic one... very basic indeed.


Coffee Mill

Truevision scene file (by Vincent Le Prince)

My personnal coffee mill, main instrument of my worst addiction. CSG only model.

Coffe Mill


Truevision scene file (by Vincent Le Prince)

Two Povshots.
